Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Amendment 1

Amendment 1 passed in NC yesterday.  As a citizen of this great state I have to say, I'm glad it's over...or has it just begun?  I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion and they should feel free to voice that opinion.  However, I also believe that if you believe in hope, change, acceptance for all, then you should also know that people will oppose you and you CANNOT fault them for that!!!  You are two-faced when you say that people are bigots or horrible individuals just because they voted against what you wanted!  It's a democracy least that's what it used to be!! 

I'm not saying I voted for or against this Amendment.  I believe it is my right as a US citizen to vote as I wish and keep that to myself but it is DUTY as a moral human being not to berate individuals that have opposing views!  Grow up people!!  You have no right to tell someone they are bigots just because they didn't vote your way!!!  If you're unhappy with the outcome of this vote then figure out why it passed and work to get it repealed!  Stop playing the blame game and move on!! 

Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out!! 

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